Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Three ways that government can do to develop vocational school

Vocational schools are one of formal education unit that provides vocational education in secondary education as continuation of junior high school, Islamic high school or others .In term of curriculum the group of specific education in vocational school classified into three kinds, namely normative, adaptive, and productive which is three of them have their respective roles in providing education in vocational schools. The standard of graduates of vocational school include behavior, knowledge, and skills to afford skilled power in high school level as expected. In Indonesia, there are many program offered by vocational school, such as agriculture, engineering (STM), tourism, pharmaceutical, management (SMEA), etc. each of these programs have different skills and own role certainly. Although it different, the implementation of that vocational schools have same goal namely fulfill the educational needs of people that able to produce graduates who can work directly.
               As we know vocational school has long time been become a part of education in Indonesia. The condition of vocational school has more developed. Infrastructure has developed and has fulfilled by government, the quality of teachers started to increase, supporting facilities provide has done just to desire vocational school that interested to be a place to get education. Now, our government began to develop vocational schools each period because this schools is high schools that preparing for students that can work in particular areas. Government tries to promote vocational schools and “SMK BISA” used as a slogan to promote it. After the development of vocational school success, graduates of vocational school expected can be able to compete and ready to use in supply the needed of labor in business and industry world. Some year’s later vocational school tries to find partner in industry world. Some of vocational school has trusted to assemble laptop, LCD and electronic component from primary industry, for example SMK N 2 Surabaya. From automotive sector, some assembly company which assemble motorcycles and cars  recruit the employee directly from vocational school.

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